Tag Archives: gilderoy lockhart

Harry Potter Alignment Chart


After having discovered several alignment charts on the internet (Firefly, Game of Thrones, etc.), I decided it was time to make my own. If anyone doesn’t know what an alignment chart is, it’s just a fancy name for a picture with characters from a show/movie/book for each of the nine D&D alignments. I did one on Harry Potter, which was pretty easy, because there are so many characters:

Would you agree with the characters I’ve chosen for each? I considered Dobby for lawful neutral, but then it occurred to me that’s only at the start, and he ends up more neutral good. Filch seems a bit evil, but he really only ever does as he’s told. I also considered Draco for chaotic neutral, but then I realised that he’s probably more lawful evil. So who would you choose for each?